Makes My Monday! - Sleeping Children

Monday, June 8, 2009

We had a rough patch of sleeping issues with the kids this weekend. After just recovering from bronchitis and an all night bender with friends Friday night I was really hoping to get some sleep this weekend. Of course that meant Mr. Tim was up at 5 am on Saturday morning (after being up MANY times Friday night). Then Katie was up at 4:30am on Sunday...sent back to bed only to get back up at 5:30am. Tim was up shortly after at 6:00am. He was whiny most of the weekend and clearly needed some sleep...and then a miracle happened. He slept through the night last night from 8:30pm to 8:00 am with only one wakeup at 2:30am. And icing on the cake, Katie had to be woken up at 8:00am today. And the cherry....Tim is taking a GREAT nap...9:30 am going on almost 12:30pm. Hallelujah!!!

Looks like all he needed was a pillow!
(...and a special thanks to Chris who let me get back to sleep at 8am on Saturday and sleep a lot of the day away...)

If there's something that Makes YOUR Monday, head on over to Twinfatuation to play along!


debi9kids June 8, 2009 at 2:59 PM  

See now, you jinxed yourself by leaving a comment on my blog saying katie didn't get out of bed. LOL
here's hoping the good sleeping continues tonite!

Hit 40 June 8, 2009 at 6:43 PM  

I could not do the baby up all night thing anymore!! I do not know how I did made it with my boys.

I guess you just dig in and try your best.

When you have a baby, it is so hard to enjoy because your just so darned tired!!!

Unknown June 8, 2009 at 9:12 PM  

I must say it's a bit easier this time around since I'm not working and can sometimes nap when he does...I'm hoping he gets into a good sleep pattern soon though, because Katie won't have preschool all summer and there goes my "sometimes" morning nap...

Sugar Boogers & Tantrums June 8, 2009 at 10:49 PM  

Looks like some much needed rest! Poor little fella. He looks so peaceful. I hope his teething is better for the both of you. And I hope you get the sleep you need as well. Have a great day!

Cheryl Lage June 8, 2009 at 11:09 PM  

Love his little sack out position!

Hope you all get some rest...
Rest completely Makes My Monday, too...thanks for playing along!

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