To recap, we started out our second day of vacation with a photo shoot at the Grand Floridian and breakfast at 1900 Park Fare. I wrote all about them here. After the camera fiasco and having to go to lost and found, we finally made it to our first park, Epcot, at about 1pm.
Tim's working off the long morning with a snooze.
Epcot is really pretty in April because they have their Flower Festival and they have really cool flower displays, character themed shrubs/flowers, and some extra cool playgrounds there for the Festival.

Katie and I started off by going to Spaceship Earth while Chris went to Test Track with Timmy to get us Fast Passes. A mellow/lame ride by Disney standards, but Katie got off of her first ride of the trip gushing that "It was a REALLY great ride." Actually, I was even pleasantly suprised. I missed this one last time around. Chris and Katie went alone for some reason and it was actually better than I remembered. They incorporated a fun little story/game at the end while you go down where you pick things that are most important in your life and they show you "future" machines that will help make your life easier. It's done in a cartoon manner and one of the characters was actually Katie's face. She loved that!

After the ride, which only had about a 15 minute wait, it took us about 30 minutes to find/meet up with Chris...since the geniuses we are forgot to designate a specific meeting point. During that time I went to guest services and got a replacement Tables in Wonderland card...or shall I say..paid through the nose for a replacement. (It's a card that can be purchased by annual pass holders for 20% off all food/beverage...I had lost the one I got last year on the last day of vacation and was expecting to have to pay $35 to replace it...but they bumped it up to $50...grrrr!)
Next we walked through the Fairy Garden (flower exhibit and playground) and headed over to Mexico to ride the boat ride. To say Timmy enjoyed the boat ride is putting it mildly. There were screens with sound staggered on both sides of the boat and he could not whip his head back and forth fast enough to take it all in. Then we headed out for a break. Chris took the kids straight back to the hotel. I brought the empty stroller (since Chris couldn't hold Timmy and fold up the stroller on his own) back to the Grand Floridian to get my freaking camera. Good times!
Here's a little Then and Now:
Katie at 1 1/2 and now at almost 4
Katie one year ago and Katie now.After a little rest and eating dinner at our hotel foodcourt we headed back to Epcot and got there about 7pm. We went straight over to the Finding Nemo ride, but it had just stopped working so we headed over the Crush show (from Finding Nemo) - then we all went on the Finding Nemo ride with no line at all. By the time we were done it was already about 8:15 our return time for Test Track, but I knew we wouldn't have time for both of us to take turns riding with Katie so just Katie and I went while Chris strolled Timmy around. The line was ridiculous and it still took us 1/2 hour in line since everyone was trying to use up their passes before the park closed. However, this ride was a big deal for Katie. Last year we had an issue and she didn't get to ride. You have to be 42 inches to ride. Last year, with shoes, Katie WAS 42 inches and rode all the other 42 inch minimum rides, but the day we went over to test track she was wearing her crocs which are much lower than all her sandles and they wouldn't let her on. She was crushed - but she was SO excited this time...not that you can tell in this picture...

We got off the ride
just in time for the fireworks at 9pm. This was another first for Katie. Her first trip we didn't even attempt any fireworks and last year we tried, but she was so tired she just freaked out...for the same reason she's never even gone to 4th of July this was her first time EVER seeing fireworks and she LOVED them!!! We didn't really see the water portion of the show because we stayed in Future World at the entrance to the World Showcase, but that worked out great because we raced to the buses and had NO wait to get back to the hotel.
Day 3 (Thursday of our trip) is next...morning at Hollywood Studios with a Playhouse Disney breakfast and an evening at Fort Wilderness Campground.