'Tis the Season - Broadway at the Kimmel Center Giveaway
Friday, December 21, 2012
One of my favorite parts of living in South Jersey is the proximity to New York City AND Philadelphia theater. We are regular patrons of the Arden Theater and the Walnut Theater, but nothing compares to the amazing shows produced by the Kimmel Center and I love to treat my kids whenever a child-friendly show comes to town (or not so child-appropriate, but includes all of your 6yo’s favorite songs – ie. Rock of Ages.)
So in the spirit of season, I would like to share tickets that were generously provided by the Kimmel Center and Allied-THA for 2 upcoming Kimmel Center productions.
I am giving away TWO 4-packs of tickets.
1 4-pack to see Jekyll and Hyde
at the Forrest Theatre
Thursday, Dec 27th at 7:30pm
1 4-pack to see Cirque Eloize
at the Merriam Theater
Sunday, Dec 30th at 6:30pm
Tickets can also be purchased at www.kimmelcenter.org/broadway
Since this is a very last minute giveaway and I will travelling shortly, I will be selecting a winner Sunday night. Unfortunately tickets are not available for will-call, so you must be able to pick up the tickets from me.
I am available to hand over the tickets Monday in the Gloucester County Area , Wednesday daytime near Mt. Laurel, NJ or Wednesday evening at the Forrest Theater in Philly. I can also mail overnight, at your expense.
To enter:
As Katie would say, Easy Peazy Lemon Squeezy
Leave a comment letting me know you’re interested and what show you’d like to attend.
Please enter separate comments for each show and leave as many comments as you’d like.