Don't you realize I have a life to live?
Thursday, April 15, 2010
...despite my girlfriends' best attempts to kill me. My two closest mommy friends have been hard core the last few weeks at their new gym. As they nibbled on their salad and I licked the pot clean at The Melting Pot this past weekend, they talked me into joining their gym. Zumba, water aerobics, pilates, yoga ... it has it all. And it's all included in the one exorbitant membership fee. Ok, ok ... truth be told - they had me at "spend money." So, tonight I attended my first class - kickboxing. I have to say I am pretty proud of myself for getting myself there only 2 days after joining. Me, who breaks out in a sweat at the site of cardio equipment. Me, who bought a bike while pregnant with Timmy and still hasn't ridden it. (It's Katie's fault....if she could get up the slightest of inclines we could take family bike rides.) So, I got through the class. And lived. It was touch and go for awhile as I took 10 minutes out of the 55 minute class to dry heave in the locker room, but I survived. It's water aerobics next time. Yahoo! I feel like I finally made it to the summer camp I always dreamed about.
As you can imagine, things have been a little hectic around here. There's been so much going on, really. Work, hours of playing outside, pizza picnics in the treehouse, random fevers and nebulizer treatments. Our Easter was terrific. We had a great visit with the Bouf family this weekend (minus mom and dad Bouf). Chris turned 34 this past week -although for weeks I was convinced he was turning 33 - since he's 2 years older than my 31. Except, after he questioned my logic and I did the math, I realized that I was in fact 32.
Among other reasons, I have pushed off writing a new post for 2 weeks because I have been extremely busy watching tv. In the prime of the spring season, both of my DVR's are filling up on daily basis faster than I can watch all of the new programming I am taping. I've had to let a few be deleted without watching. After I verified that they were available On Demand. Speaking of tv - I have 2 public service announcements. First, Army Wives had its season premier this past weekend. Did you know? I didn't. I thought it always started closer to summertime. Thank God for my DVR, that knew the schedule better than me. Secondly, and I will not disclose why I know this, but Skinomax currently has the most interesting array of On Demand movies ever available at one time. The subjects range from space aliens in Europe, female vampires at a strip club, sex hungry ghosts, and medieval warriors on a space ship (who happen to gain energy from um...) I can see that I probably should have devoted an entire blog post to that second PSA, but you know, who has the time?
I've been extremely hard at work scouring the stores and online shopping for the best deals on spring and summer clothes for myself and the kids. Oh, and shoes. And workout clothes. My tax return did inspire me to find some super cute outfits. Between the family time, girlfriend time, time spent outside absorbing a little vitamin D, tv programming*, and shopping - it's been a terrific 2 weeks. (*terrific tv programming does not include American Idol, which instead has been driving me to medicate myself this season; however, it does include Dancing With the Stars - which I have never watched before - but have been tuning in to this season just to see Kate Gosselin and her partner plot each others murders. In all honesty, I started watching this season due to my girl crush on Shannen Doherty - who once again left a show before she should have.)
So, how has my work/life balance been so far? What's it like when we get home at 6:15 every night? Chris's birthday card from the kids pretty much sums it up:
Special thanks to my friends and family who have harrassed me over the last week or so to get a new post up. Apparently you are all on pins and needles to read my lastest words of wisdom. Or really bored at work. (Note: Will post more often in exchange for friends and family who comment more often ;) Read more...