7 Months Old - Forever
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
The big boy was 7 months old on Wednesday. He's approximately 19 1/2 lbs now and transitioning into 12 months clothing. He's up to 6 teeth (4 on top; 2 on bottom) and loves to feed himself. He loves chomping on rice cakes, puffed veggie snacks, crackers/cookies, and especially FRENCH FRIES! Yes, we teach healthy eating habits early, here. He is a cat whisperer. He can pull Toby's tail with no repercussion and gets LOTS of cuddles from Caely who usually likes noone. Timmy loves to watch all of the animals, but for some reason the cats put him into a trance. He still has tumbles here and there, but he is a pretty solid sitter now and can get to sitting from laying on his back or belly. He has the reach of a 7'2" basketball player. He's scooting and semi-crawling everywhere. He can pretty much move in every direction except directly forward. And he LOVES his toys!!! He especially loves anything he can grab or knock over. He loves his jumper and playing in his excersaucer, but more than anything likes to be let loose on the floor with his toys.
awww what a lovely post !
You sure do have two cuties x
I love that age! But whatever happens to that "I can entertain myself" thing that they have going at that point? Where does it go because I remember my boys having it at about 7 months but they certainly don't now.
"MUUUUMMMMMMMMMMYYYYYYY... can you play monster trucks with me?"
Aww yeah they are beautiful babies. Like you said, we would have beautiful grandbabies together.
He is growing so fast. Breelyn is still not crawling. She pushes up on her hands and sometimes get on her knees but that's about it. She will entertain herslef for quite a while. She is an awesome baby.
Happy Tuesday!!
Boys just get BETTER!! I thought the same thing when my Connor was that age (sissy is 5.5 years older) He has only gotten sweeter! Congrats on the adorable family!
(I came over from link in my BlogHer ad)
Thanks for sharing with me. Our two 1 year olds have a lot in common. I just love to have my face sucked off!
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