Baby Picture Sunday - Silly Smiles

Sunday, June 14, 2009

First off, I just posted Timmy's "7 month" post, but I backdated it to his actual 7 month birthday, so make sure you don't miss it!

I'm playing along with Debi's Baby Picture Sunday again. This week she has chosen "silly smiles" as her theme and make sure you check out her pictures today because they are adorable! I on the other hand ran into a bit of a snag. See, I've pretty much already posted all of my adorable silly smile pics of Timmy so I went back to the Disney vacation photos I haven't shared yet and came across this little cutie. It's actually more of Tim's charming side than silly side (of which he is abundant of both.) In truth, I think he's in the middle of blowing raspberries with his mouth :)

And then there is Katie...who is practically ALL silly ALL the time...but there are just SO many silly pictures of her to choose from that I would be here all day trying to pick the perfect one. So instead, I chose the picture of her that I immediately thought of as soon as I saw the picture of Timmy above.
This is Katie in February 2006, at 7 months old. It cracks me up everytime I look at a picture of her at about the same age Timmy is now. The resemblance is uncanny to me. She is clearly a girl and he is definately all boy, but there's no doubt at all that they're brother and sister. Makes me wonder what a third baby would look like...


debi9kids June 14, 2009 at 2:03 PM  

well, if Chris doesn't leave a comment on that last sentence... LOL

Great pictures! Amazing how much they DO look alike! I don't see it when I see them together, but WOW, in photos like this! HOLY cow! CLONES!

Susan Holt Simpson June 14, 2009 at 3:01 PM  

So cute! I love babies in hats - the top photo must be raspberries!

Mummy McTavish June 14, 2009 at 6:20 PM  

What sweet pictures! I love what you said about Katie being ALL silly ALL the time... I have got that impression from your blog. I think there would be some very entertaining blog posts if she ever spent time with my Lion.

Mum-me June 15, 2009 at 5:19 AM  

I thought they were the same baby at first glance, before I read what you'd written. So cute - and so good to actually leave their hat on!

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