100th Post...ALREADY!! (...and Two For Tuesday)
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
So, after my interview with Katie from yesterday, Katie decided she LOVED being asked questions - but when we were all done she told me she had to ask ME some questions (this was apparently all she needed before telling me that she wants "to talk" everytime we are in the car now and that she "has some questions for me") But since I'm all famous, now that I have a blog with 100 posts, I figured it was appropriate to share the transcript from the first time I was "interviewed" by my 3 1/2 year old....and I think these pictures are just the perfect introduction to the questions she asked...(I should also add that she picked out this skirt at the store. She "had to have it"...what am I in store for?)
1) Katie: What makes me so happy mommy?
Me:Ice cream
2) Katie: What makes me so sad mommy?
Me: When it’s your last tv show before bed
Katie: Noooo – When I go to time out
3) Katie: What my favorite food is?
Me: Ice cream
Katie: Noooo
Me: Meat?
Katie: ah HUH!
4) Katie: My next question is who loves me?
Me: Mommy loves you
Katie: Noooo (goes right into next question)
5) Katie: Who plays hide and seeks with me all the time at my house?
Me: Daddy?
Katie: Nooo – YOU mommy!
6) Katie: My next question is tickle somebody...(I tickle her)
7) Katie: My next question is after you go to the potty...wipe yourself...
8) Katie: My next question is who gets me of your car?
Me: I do?
9) Katie: Who put the light off and on?
Me: Ahhh, mommy?
Katie: No … ME!
10) Katie: My next question is ummmm – sorry mommy – I have asked all my questions.
Funny how this was my first interview as a famous person and all the questions were about her :) Read more...