Happy Valentine's Day
Thursday, February 14, 2013
I realize the Catholic Church has made many changes over the
last year, but I didn’t see this one coming. First, our mass and hymns were
retranslated. Recently, a new precedent was set, morally freeing future popes
from serving until their death if they feel that they can’t properly lead due
to age or health issues.
But changing our Easter celebration to Valentine’s Day???
Katie recently attended a Valentine’s Day party at gymnastics.
While other kids were crafting, she was busy writing a report about how special
Valentine’s Day is.
And in the spirit of translating our most holy works, I have
translated and edited as follows:
"Happy Valentine’s Day. It is a special day, the day Jesus
suffered his life and died and rose up again. It is one of Jesus’s and God’s days.
Our holiday today is Valentine’s Day. It wasn’t on the date, but they made it this
day." (because the party was not actually ON Valentine’s Day.)
It has been suggested that I request a refund for her CCD
Instead, we had a little talk. I revealed the mystery of
Easter. Called “Easter”. Which led us
back to, “So what the heck is Valentine’s Day?”
Great job Katie!
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