9 Months Old - Mr. Meatball
Monday, August 10, 2009
It's been another busy month for Timmy. His 8th tooth has appeared, we've had loads of daytrips, and he is more active than ever. He's standing up wherever he can grab hold of something and in the last few days has even started to cruise a bit. He loves to play Pat-a-Cake and Peek-a-Boo. Perhaps the biggest change has been that he's begun to use his voice again. He's a '"da-da" boy which I suppose is appropriate since he really is a daddy's boy. (Katie's first word was "ma".) I do get the occasional "ma" from Tim, but usually only in the midst of a cry. But he's most talkative during meals. He likes to eat and he likes to eat a lot. And he doesn't want babyfood; he wants big chunks of meat....chicken fingers, meatballs, hotdogs... He actually yells at us when we don't get it fast enough. The kids spent the day (and dinner) with my sister this week and when she brought him home she laughed about how much he had to say during dinnertime. I laughed and impersonated his "eh, Eh, EHHHH?" She told me, "oh yea, exactly, he was fine as soon as I gave him some meatballs though."
Wow!! He is getting sooo big! And he gets cuter everyday! Breelyn started saying dada mama baba at such an early age!
Happy 9 months to little Timmy!!
I am sure Russ will be glad to see the broncos bib, esp now that the stupid eagles signed a dog killer. (had to get that out of the way!)
WOW! He's becoming a big boy! It won't be long before he's a toddler! CRAZY!
How was Vegas? We need to catch up!
Oh, he is so cute! What adorable photos!
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