Monday, November 10, 2008
In about 12 hours...pending no delays...I will have my baby boy in my arms. I'm currently scheduled for an 11:15am c-section and have to be at the hospital by 9:15am. Needless to say, I'll be getting very little sleep tonight. I'm ready to go - all but emotionally. I feel like I'm still in denial that this is happening tomorrow. I felt the same way with Katie, but I WAS tremendously excited. This go, I am just feeling lots of apprehension. Not sure if it's worry about how our family life is going to change or just dreading the spinal and recovery. Although I know in my head that I thought throughout the entire recovery with Katie that it was never as bad as I had expected...I still can't shake the obsession over those things I remember as being the worst last time.
So here's a prayer for a nurse who can give me a painless IV (not a problem at all last time - but STILL not recovered from the nurse who hit a nerve or tendon TWO weeks ago just trying to take some blood), an anesthesiologiest who can get the spinal in the FIRST time trying, effective pain killers (including a spinal that completely kicks in BEFORE the catheter is inserted), no incision tape blisters, another baby who latches like a natural, and quick and easy recovery, and most importantly a healthy baby boy!!!
Oh speaking of healthy babies....did anyone read the recent article about caffeine intake during pregnancy and how even 1-2 cups a day can cause harm by decreasing birth weight? I immediately started drinking 1-2 cups a day...is that bad? That was the only effect the article mentioned - so I'm thinking it should be prescribed for all gestational diabetes mommies who are warned that if THEY don't behave their going to have babies with too a high a birth weight. Any last minute guesses for height/weight? I'm going to say 21 1/2-22 inches and close to 9 lbs (either right below or right over).
Make sure you check back in for my SIL Debi's guest post later tonight or tomorrow. She'll be visiting later this afternoon/evening and has graciously offered to spread the news and some pics for me. You can also check out all about her family at Who Says 8 is Enough?
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