The Game Plan

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Timmy is playing soccer this year.
Well, Timmy has been signed up and placed on a soccer team this year.

We had him placed on the same team as his good friend Ellie. We figured having a good family friend as his coach would help shorten his "warm-up period" that he experiences in almost all situations (except learning new x-box games.)

Despite being carried by his coach during the opening night parade (you know, because he's too cool to walk), he was very excited this morning for his first game. He popped into a chair and eagerly gave me his feet to put on his soccer equipment. We started off well.

"Mom, take my picture! I'm so cool, right? I'm wearing my soccer clothes, right?"
"I went pee on the potty today, right? It's really sunny today, right?"
"I'm too cute for words, right?"

But then we had to interact with other people.

"Timmy, go ahead and kick the ball. It's ok. It's really fun"

 'If I close my eyes, all these people that I don't know will go away.'
 'Is anyone I don't know looking at me?'
 'Maybe if I make myself look like a lost kid someone will come get me and take me for ice-cream or something.'

'Mom, they're LOOKING at me and TALKING to me.'

 'Ha! I didn't have stay out on the field when they started the game. I'll just sit here looking like the saddest boy ever so they don't call my name to play.'
 'Ah, the sun, the people...they're they're they're burning my eyes'
 'Waahaaha, Week 1 was a success. Mom and Dad have wasted their money and their day. I didn't have to do anything and I still got a snack. I bet I can make them do this every week!'

Bathtime update: He just wants to wait till he's more bigger to play soccer. He'll play next week...


Unknown September 10, 2012 at 8:59 AM  

Oh my goodness. He is SO cute : ) I hope it goes better next week. One of my friends coaches a little 4 year old soccer team and he always has the funniest stories to tell us!

Unknown September 10, 2012 at 10:42 AM  

My favorites of the game were actually the little flying up and down the field as an airplane and the little boy who was trying to play blind, with his shirt over his head. They were so cute and funny!

debi10kids September 10, 2012 at 11:21 AM  

Well, at least you know he's willing to put on the uniform.
Between Katie loving to play but hating the uniform and Timmy loving the uniform but hating to play... they should only make you pay one fee.

Unknown September 10, 2012 at 12:08 PM  

Great point, Deb!!!! She's doing GREAT this season, though. I can't wait to see her in a game.

Anonymous,  September 15, 2012 at 1:15 AM  

Hahaha! Too cute!

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