Dear Katie

Monday, November 30, 2009

Yes...they ARE both blue and they DO both have flowers, but they STILL don't match.

P.S. Please stop scratching your face so we can get your Christmas portraits and Timmy's 1 year pics done. And tell your brother to stop falling down the steps and splitting his lip open.

P.P.S. You are a very gifted video game playing trash talker, but you should just stop. I don't care that you are smaller. I will always be better than you. As long as the game is comprised of balls or cubes that must be shot at or grouped together. You are no match for me.
Ask Aunt Chris!


debi9kids December 1, 2009 at 12:35 AM  

LOVING Katie's hair in braids! It looks so cute!
Her is lovely. LOL

Maybe you could photoshop the boo boos out of the Christmas pics???

ps I owe you an email...

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