Baby Picture Sunday - Snuggle Bugs

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Because it's very, very late and I am very, very tired here is a drive by entry for this week's Baby Picture Sunday sponsored by Who Says 8 is Enough? You can visit there to join in yourself or just to get some links to some other cute baby pictures.

This week's theme is Snuggle Bugs and whatever that phrase makes you think of. Since I wanted to try to get pictures of Katie and Timmy at about the same age, I've come up with these:

Katie 1 1/2 months

Timmy 1 month

They actually look very similar as babies to me - but not necessarily in these pictures. They do both sure know how to snuggle, though!

Edited to add - I'm also getting a little ticked off at this point cause I really thought Timmy was generally way more smiley than Katie was as a baby (my memories of her are of her being a way more serious baby) - but when going back to get a picture of her for this post I noticed I was getting her smiling on camera for WEEKS by this point. Who says boys are easier? P.S. (As Vodka Mom would add at the end.)


Mummy McTavish January 4, 2009 at 6:08 AM  

They do look very similar, and very cute. I love sleeping babies!

debi9kids January 4, 2009 at 12:47 PM  

OH! I still stick by my "boys are easier". LOL
You are right though, Miss katie was one serious baby way back when. (not so much now. What a goof!)

They look somewhat alike in these pics, but I definitely see a difference in thier faces. (and I know Mr T is a chunka-chunk, where Katie wasn's as much)

debi9kids January 4, 2009 at 12:48 PM  

PS LMAO! I just called Timmy "Mr T". hahahaha

Elyse January 4, 2009 at 3:02 PM  

They do look very similar! Found you through BoufMom and thought I would stop by and say hi so HI!

Unknown January 4, 2009 at 3:25 PM  

To clarify - I do NOT think they look that much alike in these pics - basically just their nose and eye shape. They look way more similar in other pics. They have the same mouth, nose, and eye shape. You can't really see the mouth in this pic cause of the way Timmy is laying. He's way chubbier though. However, if you compare him now to Katie at about 3 months they look a even more alike - face shape and everything. It's just funny to me cause when Katie was born everyone (except Debi) thought she only looked like Candi. Both I and Debi saw a bit of me in her and I am hearing a lot now that Timmy looks just like me. I think they look more like each other than anyone else. As luck would have it Chris and I have some similar features (well not us specifically but some of our family members - my dad/his dad have VERY similar characteristics and Chris could look like he was related to my brother and mom.) I think they're just a good mix.

Sugar Boogers & Tantrums January 4, 2009 at 10:27 PM  

Awww!! They look exactly alike to me. It reminds me of my little girl. They are precious.

I have a gift for you on my blog. Hope you like.

Frizzy January 9, 2009 at 6:12 PM  

Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Sorry to hear about your situation but I'm glad they worked with you even if it's another potentially bad deal in the end. YIKES! I guess some companies never learn.

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